Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Nest #7 had one chick hatching when I checked nests this morning..Wed May 6. 

What the pins tell me. This is the 2nd nest for hen #2. She layed her first egg on Monday. I boxed the egg and gave her a fake egg, continuing this until the 4th egg was layed. By Thursday she had layed 4 eggs. I returned her 4 eggs to the nest and she started incubation on Thursday. She laid another egg and I move it to #8 nest (brown pin) The "Hot" Red Pin indicated the hen is not  to be disturbed. Thursday 2 was the 2nd week of incubation. One chick (pink pin) hatched on Wednesday, after 13 days of incubation. 
Nestling 1 (green pin) is first week of soft food is to be given to the pair starting on hatch day Wednesday and for the next 4 weeks. This is the 7th nest for the Aviary. On examination of the other 3 eggs, May 10th, one egg was clear and the other two did not hatch. One chick hatched. Pair is feeding.

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