Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Nest # 14

Two all yellow and one variegated.

Looks like 5 eggs incubated and three hatched. The white flight cage, hen #1

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Dinner Time

I am reading my "Colored, Type & Song Canaries" Book by GBR Walker,  (I signed Nov 1999) on the PARISIAN FRILL canary. A breeder on a canary group I belong to has them for sale at $250 ea.
They are 8" tall - "that's a big canary". they have lots of frillie feathers..I don't think I have ever seen one in person. Perhaps at the Baltimore Bird Show in Oct. there will be some to look at..

Here is link and picure on the Parisian Frill..

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Nest #13 is my Johnny Appleseed Canary Pair.  This is the hen, she has one black wing, he has two.  JA are 1/4 Yorkshire and 3/4 Waterslager. The Waterslager part is what interested me. He does have a beautiful song..Their first clutch was all clear eggs. This nest, she hatched two and they have been very diligent parents., the chicks fledged the nest today.

Two hatched

Pins for Nest #13

Four eggs, two were fertile and hatched the same day (Tue)

The parents seems to be doing fine in nesting and feeding..chicks are slow to wean and do not appear to have the Yorkshire size...and of course I dont know what sex they are, so will have to wait for months to possibly hear a beautiful song? July 4 2015 these two chicks have now fledged and are doing fine in the fledge cage. They are joined now by two others that are 2014 hatches.

more info on this breed of canary

"Johnny Appleseed canaries , singing and ready to go with a sweet song that is pleasing and relaxing . A sound that is like no other canary ! The Johnny Appleseed is a work of art with it's larger size and calmness this bird commands your attention as he sings for you .A canary that is breed for SONG -and what a song !!!! If you want a canary that is breed for singing unique phrases like you do not commonly hear, then treat yourself to the sound of a Johnny Appleseed canary, and you may find yourself saying what everyone that hears one says " I COULD LISTEN TO THIS ALL DAY " !Get one now and find out for yourself how enjoyable these birds are !
THANK YOU FOR LOOKING" marion chester.

The Johnny Apple Seed Canary is a new song breed of canary. Its concept developed in response to the perceived need by many song canary breeders for a canary that attempts (successfully, time will tell), to answer/correct some wide open faults in the song canary world." quoted from the JA breeder Marion Chester

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hey, you lookin at me?

I get you...

The first hatches of this year are growing and learning to forage and play.
Soak Seed and Sprout Seed for the Birds
I use the Seed Sprouter I have from "The Sprout People."

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Here is the 
Soak Seed after it has soaked in cold water for 24+ hrs. I like their sprouter because I am able to rinse the seed frequently and it has  air chambers that aid in keeping the seed fresh thus preventing mold.
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looking down inside

You can see the sprouts on the seeds. At this stage the taste is sweet.

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Lil' Bird Sprouting Seed..Organic

After the seed is soaked and sprouted, I keep it in the fridge for freshness.
Preparing it for the birds, I mix the sprouted seed with the Abba Green. This mix allows the birds to forage for the seed as they would do in the wild. The soak has many nutritional benefits and is feed to the birds daily in small amounts. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

  Training the young for the Show Cage

I have a video, if I can figure out how to post it here...WS #61

You want me to do what? to get a drink?

Nest #12

Growing well.

Hello, we are looking for Mom...It's like dinner time..

The one in the middle, he is so cute.

A favorite of mine is this White Dominate chick # 61 from my Waterslagers. Banded this morning and placed in the baby flight cage..

My pins tell me he was from the hens #6 - and WS cock CB- 2nd nest of 3 eggs. One chicks hatched on Thur and this was the 2015 nest #8. Nestling food for 2 weeks, fledging at 3 weeks and banded after 3weeks and placed in flight with other fledglings when eating on own.
This is my breeder stack where he was raised.#61
Interesting Development chart for the Canary.

Showing how fast they grow.

From day 1 to day 18.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Care Tips for the Feeding Parents.

 "Once or twice a month a special bath of  one tablespoon of Epsom Salt diluted in one gallon of water should be provided to all types of birds, especially the feeding (canary)
parents. The Epsom Salt bath can help to neutralize any sourness in the digestive system. Remember birds only have their beaks to do most of their chores. The adult birds, especially canaries, tend to eat their young's excretions when cleaning the nest and consequently, experience sour digestive systems and then will not  feed the young. The parents also tend to consume excessive amounts of rich foods and again may not feed the young due to an upset digestive system. By supplying the Epsom Salt bath once or twice a month and especially when  the parents are feeding the young you can alleviate most of the above mentioned because birds drink before bathing." Quoted from the Abba site.

Nest #11

Nest #11 hatched in the brown flight cage, this was the 2nd nest for this hen. I boxed the first 4 eggs and then returned them to the nest and she layed another egg(5) Only one chick hatched. I am assuming it was the fifth egg that hatched. One chick for her this time..Growing well, with nice long lets, indicating Waterslager..

The pair. Waterslager cock.

Nest #10

Four beautiful yellow Waterslagers..My goal for 2016..Pair is feeding well.

Growing nicely.