Monday, April 27, 2015

Fourth Nest 2015

Green Hen #4 hatched two of the 4 eggs layed in her first nest. The cock bird is the feeder as she did not want to get off the nest..

These two pictures show a full crop on the baby..Dad is feeding them really well. Well, dad and I are feeding them..I have to make sure there is dry nestling food in the cage before they go to bed, and that I get the soft food to them early in the morning.


Looking at the pin feathers in this pic, it looks like one is  going to resemble  dad, white with the black variegated marking. And the other looks green feathered.



This is the pair, hen being the green and dad the white.

At two weeks now, the hen is off the nest and feeding the chicks, she should start building another nest in a week. This is Green Hen #4. 
(I think I have been watching Westminster to long)

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